6982 recetas de cocina   |   17573 noticias de gastronomia   |   580 autores   |   21 empresas


"Que me define en la cocina? Mis raíces como venezolano, usando las mejores técnicas culinarias, han derivado en la creación de productos que realzan la pureza de sabores autóctonos y el gentilicio de mi país "






Private Chef

Take a chef , oct 19 Turks and caicos island




Sector private Nov17 Venezuela


Executive Chef, Hotel JW Marriott Caracas





Sector private Feb17 Venezuela


Chef's restaurant South, Hotel JW Marriott Caracas




Sector private Dec 16 - Ene17 Venezuela


Support in opening hotel Courtyard Bonaire




Private Feb 2015 - 2015 Aug




Cook at hotel JW Marriott, Caracas, in the southern restaurant


Sector private Aug 2015 - Ago2016 Venezuela


Student in the Venezuelan Centre of culinary training, graduated as a professional in culinary arts, mention special recognition, with thesis called tribute to our kitchen MANTOVANA, where arose the classic dishes Caracas mantovana, with avant-garde techniques.




2003 Jan private sector - Jan 2014




Partner and Manager of the Association cooperative development VENEZUELA 2017, transportation and construction company besieged in Anaco, Anzoátegui State and contract with CHINA RAILWAYS engineering CORP Company, for the construction of 145 km of track Railroad multimodal from Anaco to population of Dos Caminos.


Bolivarian National Guard




Head of division of may 1991 - Aug 2007 Venezuela


responsible for operations planning task force and regional command; installation of CCTV in the judicial internship in barinas, installation of wireless network at the level of task no. 14 barinas been barinas, creation of centralized command, creation of simplified database management system administrative procedures, establishment of free classes-computerized classroom to the public, System wi-fi internet in the spectrum of the municipality, barinas














Studies Venezuela Central University security expert published jul 1999 - jul 2000

Venezuela security Industrial postgraduate Promedio9.47




English: writing advanced

English: Oral advanced


French: intermediate


Office: management advanced

database: management advanced

programming: management intermediate

tools graphics: handling Advanced

Software of management: management advanced






























Some courses






·         Diversidad laboral 12/12/15


·         JW Lounge leader 22/1/15


·         Time management 01/01/16


·         Gestion del tiempo empresarial 01/01/16


·         Elementos esenciales de la gestión 8/1/16


·         Delegation essentials 2/1/16


·         JW Breakfast Program 22/1/16


·         Equal employment opportunities 8/1/16


·         JW In motion 8/1/16


·         Risk managment 5/1/16


·         Symphony of service 8/9/16


·         JW Wine ambassador 22/1/17


·         JW Brand fit 12/12/16


·         Reinassance hotels expert 12/12/15


·         Service excelence leadership 12/12/15


·         ESS JW 12/12/15


·         Guest voice (5 modulos) 12/12/15


·         Inteligencia emocional 16/12/16






Pedro Manuel Collado Cruz

La cocina para mi es producto bien tratado sin enmascarar sus sabores, cocina de verdad de antaño con un toque diferente

1 receta publicada

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